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The share issue is triggered by the achievement of a milestone in the PMDD study, and it represents 1.6% of the current share capital in Asarina Pharma...
Presentations will be held by CEO Peter Nordkild, founder and Chief Science Officer Professor Torbjörn Bäckström, as well as other leading...
The board of directors The EGM resolved that the board of directors should consist of seven board members. Before the resolution was made the board of...
Right to participate Those who have been recorded as shareholders in the share register kept by Euroclear Sweden AB as per 15 January 2020, and who, no...
Globally, three times more women than men suffer from migraine. Approximately 50 million of those also suffer from menstrual migraine, a more severe form...
FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS 1 July – 30 September 2019 DIRECTED SHARE ISSUE After the end of the quarter, we completed a directed share issue of 2,159,148...
On October 24 Asarina Pharma (publ) (ASAP) announced a new, directed share issue worth approximately 48 MSEK. Subscribers include Handelsbanken, Sweden’s...
The board of directors of Asarina Pharma has, based on the issue authorisation granted by the annual general meeting on 8 May 2019 and as indicated in...
The subscription price and the total number of new shares in the Issue will be determined through a bookbuild process (the “Bookbuilding”)...
“Standard prophylactic treatments have no efficacy in menstrual migraine. Sepranolone is the most highly targeted prophylactic treatment for menstrual...