On November 21 2018 Asarina Pharma CSO Torbjörn Bäckström and COO Karin Ekberg will join Swedish celebrities and scientists as they present on the causes, diagnosis and current treatment options for PMDD, the severest and most debilitating form of PMS. The event is PMS Day (PMSDagen) at Stockholm’s Medelhavsmuseet.
PMS Day has been organised by Isabel Lindström of the Gender Equality organisation Bättre än de flesta. The panel will include TV4 gaming expert Paula Fenjime Manrique and PMS author Lisa M. Eriksson. Psychologists Ulrike Braun and Susanna Johansson will talk on how CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) can help manage PMS, and the event will be moderated by celebrated Swedish blogger and author Josefin Dahlberg.
Peter Nordkild, CEO of Asarina Pharma: “Worldwide 1-in-20 women of fertile age suffer from PMDD, the severest, most debilitating form of PMS—yet it’s still rarely discussed and widely undiagnosed. As the developers of the world’s first dedicated treatment for PMDD, we’re delighted to sponsor this event. It’s a great opportunity for everybody to find out more about what PMDD is, what causes it and how it differs from PMS. Knowledge is power. When you’re better informed you can take better control of your own condition, dare to demand a diagnosis and expect better support and understanding from all those around you.”
Event organizer Isabel Lindström: "I first came into contact with Asarina Pharma when I was researching PMS and PMDD for a TV documentary, and found really very little information out there. Despite that I did find Asarina Pharma—who were, and still are, the only ones researching a new treatment solely for PMDD. From my own personal experience of PMDD I could see they were seriously committed to trying to help women suffering from PMDD and PMS, and provide an alternative to anti-depressants, currently the most commonly prescribed treatment. I believe it’s vital to talk more about this diagnosis from a broader health perspective too. It doesn’t just effect women. Having to take time off work or feeling unable to sustain jobs or relationships can have a big impact on friends and families as well.”
To register to attend PMS Day go HERE.